
The Lovers represent harmony, love and duality. They indicate understanding.

When The Lovers appears as the Past card in this reading, it talks of a previous relationship that has prepared you well for your life today and for the future. This may have been a family relationship or a romantic one.

This card is associated with Air and Mercury in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Lovers are:

CBD Tarot.com Interpretation

Card 6. The Lover: Love, amorous relationship. Emotional entanglement. Need to make a choice, or to disengage oneself from past influences. Inclinations of the heart correspond to the will of heaven. Small steps actually taken are the visible signs of inner desire.

Inverse: Complex relationship between several people, e.g. a romantic triangle or a tension between mother and wife. Hesitation, quandary. Confusion as to one’s own feeling and will.

Message: follow the path of the heart.