20min Voicemail Psychic Reading 🔮
This Product is for a 20min Voicemail Psychic Reading in a Voice Recorded Message
You will receive:
- A recorded message of your Psychic Reading in mp3 format that will be attached to your returned email.
- Length: Aprox. 20mins
What Donna Requires From you:
- Email your details to:
- Your Details: – your full name and that of anyone else
- Your date of birth and that of anyone else
- A picture of yourself & anyone that you are questioning about.
- Your Questions – Be precise, specific, honest and clear!
* It is also ok if you are unable to provide all details. Donna is still able to connect with your energies through your email and your words 😊
Your Psychic Reading is back to you within 2 – 3 days.
Be specific with your detailed questions so that she will receive a clearer picture into the answers that you seek. Be honest, frank and do not be afraid to reveal your fears. It is important that Donna understands your question(s) and its meaning so that she can focus on what you need answering, so please ensure your question is clear, specific and unambiguous, and is not a question within a question. There is not time to decipher vague or incoherent questions, as Donna wants to focus on the information you need answering. To avoid any delays in completing your reading please ensure your information is specific and easy to understand as requested.
The clearer your question, the more detailed your answer will be. Also, add names, photos and dates of birth of anyone mentioned in your question if applicable.
Got to website for all other Psychic Reading options, including Phone and Video call Psychic Readings.
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