The Judgement card indicates a decision and an outcome.
In the present, it talks of an incident where you may be asked to explain yourself. You may think you have kept a secret well. It’s possible that you haven’t kept it as secret as you think. Equally, if someone has been trying to keep a secret from you, now it the time to talk to them about it.
If it feels as if you are doing someone wrong, then it would be much better to own up to it now, before you are challenged.
This card is associated with Fire and Pluto in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with Judgement are:
- Choices
- Realisation
- Redemption
- Regrets
- Renewal
Card 20. Judgment: Revelation, enlightenment, a new understanding. A turning point in an emotional therapy process. Healing of a family relationship. Disclosure, secrets being revealed, publicity. Birth of a baby or of a new thing.
Inverse: Revelation of something that should have been kept hidden. Lack of privacy. Encountering an unpleasant truth. Problems related to child-parents relations. Too much noise and drama.
Message: awaken to spiritual reality.