The 3 card free tarot reading is a quick and simple way to get insight into your past, present and future.
1. Past
2. Present
3. Future
Ask yourself what the cards represent:
RELAX, Take a few deep breaths… Concentrate on the area of question. Empty your mind. focus on breath and formulate a question for the Divine Source / Spirit / Oracle.
Mouse over the cards and select the 3 cards that you feel drawn to.
Voicemail Psychic Readings Delivered in an Mp3 audio (a recorded message). Sent directly to your email
mORE iNFO & oRDER A READINGA WhatsApp Phone/ Video or ZOOM Psychic Call from the comfort of your own home is an easy experience
More Info & Book A TimeVisit Donna in person for a Psychic Reading or a Spirit Healing in Brisbane CBD, QLD Australia
More info & LocationCopyright © 2023 Psychic Twin Featherz