The Lovers represent harmony, love and duality. They indicate understanding.
When The Lovers appears as the Present card in this reading, it talks of a lovely relationship that is very beneficial for you. You and your partner are usually good together and play different, yet important roles. If you are experiencing upset, look for where there is imbalance.
This card is associated with Air and Mercury in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Lovers are:
- Love
- Balance
- Duality
- Relationship
- Commitment
Card 6. The Lover: Love, amorous relationship. Emotional entanglement. Need to make a choice, or to disengage oneself from past influences. Inclinations of the heart correspond to the will of heaven. Small steps actually taken are the visible signs of inner desire.
Inverse: Complex relationship between several people, e.g. a romantic triangle or a tension between mother and wife. Hesitation, quandary. Confusion as to one’s own feeling and will.
Message: follow the path of the heart.