
The Devil is all about ignorance, obsession, and materialism over spirituality.

In this present position of the reading, it indicates that you may be in the throes of some sort of obsession, addiction or bad habit that is causing you pain. It may be so ingrained that you struggle to recognize it. You may feel trapped, but it will not always be this way.

This card is associated with Earth and Capricorn in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Devil are:

CBD Tarot.com Interpretation

Card 15. The Devil: A burst of creativity. Paradoxes and contradictions revealed and accepted. Irony and mocking of common conventions. Acting from desires, passions and impulses. Moving on from a past family trauma.

Inverse: Temptation, attraction to the dark and forbidden. Exploitation, egotism, domination. Compulsive physical or sexual self-gratification. Senseless behavior has its price. Difficulty in  detaching oneself from a perverse relationship.

Message: express passion and desire.

New Card Reading