
The Wheel of Fortune represents changes and developments that relate to destiny.

In the Present position of this reading, it represents a big (and typically positive) change that is currently taking place in your life. You will see the effects of it soon.

This card is associated with Fire and the planet Jupiter in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Wheel of Fortune are:

CBD Tarot.com Interpretation

Card 10. The Wheel of Fortune: Change in circumstances and position. A rise after a fall. Gambling, putting faith in capricious luck. Life cycles, closure of circles. Adapting to the routine of everyday life. A hint to previous incarnations.

Inverse: A decline after a period of rising. Danger lurks for those at the summit. Repeating patterns, moving in a closed circle. Capricious mood changes. Being carried along by external circumstances, feeling powerless to affect one’s situation.

Message: accept life’s ups and downs.

New Card Reading