
A Voicemail Psychic Reading - What Now?

Voicemail psychic readings

A Voicemail Psychic Reading is a Voice Recorded Psychic Reading that is delivered to you in an Mp3 audio format directly to your email. Something to refer back on and It’s easy, fast and convenient.

Donna will channel Spirit in order to seek answers, clarity, insight and information in relation to your questions.

What is required from you:

  • Your full Name & Date of birth
  • Also the same of anyone whom you are asking about if you have those details
  • Your Specific Detailed Question/s
  • A recent Picture of yourself and people in question (if you have).
  • Email your details & pics to: twinfeatherz@gmail.com
  • You will receive your reading usually within a 24-48hr time frame.

Donna does not use tarot or other oracles, nor does she provide ‘cheap psychic readings’. Every insight, guidance and information that Donna receive’s for you comes from Spirit, channeled through her higher self. The insight, wisdom and knowledge that is usually relevant to you in whatever your current situation / circumstance.

Everything that Donna receive’s for your Psychic Reading is channeled. Donna is a Psychic clairvoyant and she see’s images.

Donna hear’s the information in words and her strong sense of inner receive’s for your Psychic Reading is channeled. Donna is a Psychic clairvoyant and she see’s images. Donna hear’s the information in words and her strong sense of inner ‘knowing’ clarifies the information that she receives from Spirit.

Donna does not use tarot or other oracles, nor does she provide ‘cheap psychic readings’. Every insight, guidance and information that Donna receives for you comes from Spirit, channeled through her higher self.

The insight, wisdom and knowledge that is receive is usually relevant to you in whatever your current situation/circumstance.

Picture of Getting A Psychic Reading

Getting A Psychic Reading

Getting a psychic reading by Twin Featherz is highly regarded as one of the most insightful approaches to getting out of that feeling of ‘stuck-ness’, and to clear the mind to have the ‘Ah ha!’ moment. You know, that “Omg! you are so right”! moment.

Psychic Readings can offer insight, clarity, wisdom and answers to your past, present and future. They often are valuable in …

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