
What Is My Soul Purpose

How Do I Know My Soul Purpose?

Finding your life purpose can be a profound journey,
and it often involves self-reflection, exploration, and experimentation.

Here are some steps you can take to get on the right path:

  • Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your passions, values, and strengths. What activities make you feel most alive and fulfilled? What are you naturally good at? What issues or causes resonate with you deeply?
  • Explore Different Paths: Don’t be afraid to try new things and explore various interests. This could involve taking classes, volunteering, or pursuing hobbies that intrigue you. Keep an open mind and be willing to step out of your comfort zone.
  • Set Goals: Once you have identified potential paths, set specific, measurable goals to work towards. Break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps to make them more manageable.
  • Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with inspiring people, books, and resources that align with your interests and goals. Learn from the experiences of others who have found their purpose and overcome obstacles along the way.
  • Embrace Failure and Learn from Setbacks: Understand that setbacks and failures are a natural part of any journey. Instead of letting them discourage you, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Use setbacks as fuel to propel you forward.
  • Listen to Your Intuition: Pay attention to your gut feelings and intuition. Often, your inner voice can provide valuable insights into what feels right for you. Trust yourself and your instincts as you navigate your path.
  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and appreciation for the opportunities and experiences that come your way. Gratitude can help you stay focused on the present moment and maintain a positive outlook on your journey.
  • Remember that finding your life purpose is a process, and it may evolve over time. Be patient with yourself, stay committed to your growth, and trust that you will find your way to a fulfilling and meaningful life path.

Becoming the person that you infinitely are is to Empower yourself through self discovery. Asking such questions as ‘Who Am I?’ ‘ What Is My Soul Purpose?  , Etc.

Tapping into your hidden talents, your Inner Wisdom, knowledge and your own Higher Truth. Discovering your greatest potential and doing whatever it takes to bring it to fruition will ultimately change your life for the greatest good.

So, for you to truly discover what your soul purpose is, you have to become self aware of “what you are hungry for”, “what you are actually needed for.” “What burns the fire in your belly” “What makes your heart sing” etc. and since you do not come into the life with any instruction manuals describing the purpose of your life, you would do well to begin a self discovery journey through many varied and different methods. ie; connecting with nature, meditation, journalism, connection with others, etc.

Becoming the person that fulfills your soul’s purpose is an inner journey and If you’re a spiritual seeker, then you’re already on this path. It’s important to be self-aware and alert to all possibilities, synchronicity and opportunities. It’s about checking in on yourself often, dis-engaging from that ‘monkey mind’ of yours and asking yourself questions that inspire and empower you to the place that you were meant to be. — ‘Your Calling’ … Your ‘I AM’

Get yourself a notepad or Journal. Some Coloured pens
and Go outdoors somewhere in nature where you can ‘unplug’ from the daily stress of the mundane things, places, people and technology.
Or anywhere indoors in a quite room with a candle.

Reflect and consider that Your soul is not matter. Your soul is a consciousness that exists independently of the physical body and brain.

Consider for a moment that what you call your ‘personality’ is actually just a composite of habits and behavioural patterns you developed to cope with trauma.

Inspire inner transformation with yourself by asking and reflecting on some or all of these soul awakening questions. Write the question and reflect on the answer. It may come instantly or it may take some time. Write your answer in great details as if you are explain your meaning to your higher self.


Now ask yourself…

  • WHO AM I outside of my pain?
  • WHO WOULD I BE if I stopped living life as a product of my story?
  • How do I want to be remembered at my funeral? (write your own obituary)
  • Who do I want to help? How can I help?
  • What in my life no longer serves me—emotionally, physically, and spiritually?
  • How can I give, serve, love and heal for and to others?
  • What can I offer to the market place?
  • Who are my role models and icons?
  • How can I be like them?
  • What do I often teach others?
  • What are my dreams and desires?
  • What is something that I would stand up in court and defend because I believe in it wholeheartedly?
  • If I had one year to live, what would I do?
  • Who inspires me?
  • Why?
  • What are the things that I really love to tell everyone about?
  • What gives me Joy?
  • How do I feel Joy?
  • What is Love?
  • How do I feel Love?
  • What can I do or say to bring a smile to someone else?
  • What can I do right now to be the greatest ideal of myself?
  • What is my Mission? How is the Universe supporting my
  • Mission?
  • Am I grateful?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What is the nature of reality?
  • What is the nature of LOVE?
  • What is my meaning of purpose?
  • What are my questions to GOD/SPIRIT/ UNIVERSE?

Write about your ‘SELF’ everyday and every new day, you will awaken more and more to your soul purpose.